Overal I thoroughly enjoyed this course.
Despite my conflicting schedule making it difficult to attend tutorials, I managed to attend every single lecture.
The content was very interesting and to be honest not what I was expecting at the start of the semester. I am however happy that it pursued the direction it did.
I particularly enjoyed the lectures regarding cyberpunk and dystopias. I have long since had a morbid obsession with dystopias :-p (<--- emoticon).
The lecturers were always engaging and kept my interest.
I only wish I was able to attend more of the tutorials :-/
If there are any other course run by the same lecturers. Does Steven Stockwell teach any other classes?
I would also like to point out that the lecture notes provided for the course were far superior to most other classes. They were always on time and detailed. I REALLY appreciate that in a course as I am sure many others do also.
All the best with future endevours,
- Samuel Harrison
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Week 6 tasks

I cut out my head, dressed as a cult leader and put it in the middle of people shaped images. The images represent my followers, and we all know how popular cult leaders can be.
Everyone thinks of monopoly when they hear the word games. So I found a collage of games and layered over it with a cut out of the monopoly man. Since board games are somewhat outdated, I called the piece, "Board game for bored people"
I found a picture of Tupac and put him on stage at the big day out. He was (and is now in this pic) a larger than life celebrity.
Since starting this course I have developed some skills using photshop. Prior to this course I had no experience using this program. Considering the results I was able to produce I am pretty happy. I intende to learn more and continue using photoshop.
I used this picture of myself laying with some Kangaroos, for obvious reasons. I outlined myself in green to contrast the Kangaroos, which are obviously Australian. I chose to do this because at first sight the Kangaroos are obviously Australian, but I may not be.
I found a drawinge of someone watching TV. The drawing was very depressing, however the images on the tv were being communicated to the viewer. The viewer is now myself, after I cut and paste my head onto the body of the viewer. I had to reduce the size of my head to make it look in proportion.
I used the picture from last week of Big Boy and myself. To further show we are friends, I found futuristic beach image and put a big heart around us. yep.
Since starting this course I have developed some skills using photshop. Prior to this course I had no experience using this program. Considering the results I was able to produce I am pretty happy. I intende to learn more and continue using photoshop.
Week 5 tasks

We all remember Superman worked at the Daily Planet in his normal life. To me, the logo of the Daily Planet always screamed NEWS! That spinning globe just said it all. This picture is a shot of real building called the Daily Planet. It may or may not be the actual workplace of Clark Kent.
Unable to find any true cliched pictures of our own university, I instead opted for a shot of the facade at UCLA in Los Angeles. I think this picture hints at academia, strength and granduer. All very prominent themes of American College life.
Nothing says summer like Summa Field Dazye at the Spit every January. This picture was taken early this year, it is of my gorgeous girlfriend and myself enjoying all that summer has to offer.

Just look at my dream house! I think this photo defines the term unconventional.
This picture represents a high tech city in the not too distant future. Notice the flyin traffic? That is very high tech. One can only imagine this less than picturesque landscap to be a dystopian (yes I love that concept) society.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Myspace-aged complexities
By Samuel Harrison
Sweeping the entire globe to create a personalized, social interaction network, the likes of which have never been seen before, Myspace has become the pinnacle of the internet’s second generation, Web 2.0.
The myspace experience provides an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos internationally.[1](Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
In the space of four short years, myspace has grown to become the fifth most popular English-language website, the fifth most popular website in any language[2](Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007). Many attribute this runaway success to Myspace’s overall purpose, which is to bring people together. However upon further inspection it is my opinion that myspace rose to popularity over its various competitors (Hi5, Facebook, Friendster etc) due to a mass email (spam) campaign[3](http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0). This is particularly interesting to note as spam (unsolicited mass advertising) is bane to many who use myspace, as it threatens to make the service near unusable in many respects.
Myspace has become an internet juggernaught and could be in many ways considered with pinnacle of what is being commonly reffered to as Web 2.0. Loosely defined, the term Web 2.0 is used to label the percieved second generation of internet usage, moving away from simple interaction, to a more user content focussed platform. Using this definition it is clear to see that myspace, being a totally user content provided environment, is the frontrunner in an emerging market and cyber world.
The myspace environment revolves around user created profiles of themselves that may be edited using html code to increase aesthetic, visual appeal. These profiles contain as much or as little personal information as the user desires to make public. The main component of the myspace profile is the “About Me” section, in which users write an often, self indulgent[4] (Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel) blurb about their personality and character.
In addition to these profiles, photos can be uploaded and posted in user galleries. Photos can be made private or viewable to all, and may be commented on only by “friends”.
Each profile contains a “Friends” section, which allows users to “add” and save each other’s profile location for future ease of access. This is very useful as the majority of the myspace functions are available from a user’s profile.
Other features of the myspace profile include sections in which users can express their personal music, film, literature and sexual preferences. These sections allow visitors to gain and develop a better understanding and familiarity with the owner of the profile.
Another major, feature of the myspace profile is the blog, in which users can post their own personal writing, pictures and sourced articles for redistribution. The blog measures viewing statistics, which proves a useful tool in understanding the sort of traffic that a profile’s blog is receiving.
It is not an uncommon sensation to feel as though you know someone you have never met, just by reading their profile and blog.
Despite revolving around these profiles, the possible uses for myspace are evolving each day. Not limited to simply profile pages, myspace also offers a comprehensive events guide that is accesible depending on your location.
When recently in Los Angeles, I used this feature weekly to find out what events were on Friday and Saturday nights. From obscure fetish orientated “play parties” to rave parties to casting calls for actors, the events section myspace proved versatile and practical.
There is a music section, in which artists may create a profile, with several sample tracks. These sample tracks may also be available for download or added to a profile depending on the artist’s decision. These artist profiles are usually created for promotional purposes and have in recent times proved very successful. Myspace profiles for musicians are different from normal profiles in that artists are allowed to upload up to five MP3 songs.[5] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Amongst the various criticisms of myspace, perhaps the one with most legal implications would be the licensing of music[6].(JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
There are concerns however, as people posing as artists are also creating “artist profiles” in order to upload illegal mp3’s.[7] (Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
As is explained on another pillar of the web 2.0 community, Wikipedia: Until June 2006, there was a concern amongst musicians, artists, and bands on MySpace such as songwriter Billy Bragg owing to the fine print within the user agreement that read, "You hereby grant to MySpace.com a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense through unlimited levels of sublicensees) to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publicly perform, publicly display, store, reproduce, transmit, and distribute such Content on and through the Services". The fine print brought particular concern as the agreement was being made with Murdoch's News Corporation.[8] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Views on Myspace are polarized in the general community[9] (Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing). Many feel that as very little is achieved by actually spending time on the site, it is a waste of time and just another fad. Conversely, many hold the opinion that Myspace is a necessary tool in today’s increasingly technologically dependent society.
Not only does it allow the user a comprehensive set of tools to communicate with, meet and maintain “friends”, but it also opens up a wider community of events and arts.
The myspace phenomena has ushered in the next generation of user content provided mega sites. With youtube and several other web 2.0 media sharing sites riding off the back of myspace, it is clear to see that the next generation has arrived, and with it a new set of concerns and possibilities.
(Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
(Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
(Jolly Karine, Facebook, MySpace, and Co.: IHEs ponder whether or not to embrace social networking websites.(INTERNET TECHNOLOGY): An article from: University Business [HTML] (Digital), Thomson Gale (April 20, 2007))
(Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
(Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
(Jolly Karine, Facebook, MySpace, and Co.: IHEs ponder whether or not to embrace social networking websites.(INTERNET TECHNOLOGY): An article from: University Business [HTML] (Digital), Thomson Gale (April 20, 2007))
(Monas, Steve, YourSpace 2: Interviews with MySpace Musicians, Filmmakers, Models and Friends, BookSurge Publishing 2007)
(Ryan Hupfer (Author), Mitch Maxson (Author), Ryan Williams, MySpace For Dummies, For Dummies 2007)
(Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007
(http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0)
(Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel)
(JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
[1] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[2] Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007
[3] (http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0)
[4] (Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel)
[5] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[6] (JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
[7] (Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
[8] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[9] (Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
By Samuel Harrison
Sweeping the entire globe to create a personalized, social interaction network, the likes of which have never been seen before, Myspace has become the pinnacle of the internet’s second generation, Web 2.0.
The myspace experience provides an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos internationally.[1](Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
In the space of four short years, myspace has grown to become the fifth most popular English-language website, the fifth most popular website in any language[2](Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007). Many attribute this runaway success to Myspace’s overall purpose, which is to bring people together. However upon further inspection it is my opinion that myspace rose to popularity over its various competitors (Hi5, Facebook, Friendster etc) due to a mass email (spam) campaign[3](http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0). This is particularly interesting to note as spam (unsolicited mass advertising) is bane to many who use myspace, as it threatens to make the service near unusable in many respects.
Myspace has become an internet juggernaught and could be in many ways considered with pinnacle of what is being commonly reffered to as Web 2.0. Loosely defined, the term Web 2.0 is used to label the percieved second generation of internet usage, moving away from simple interaction, to a more user content focussed platform. Using this definition it is clear to see that myspace, being a totally user content provided environment, is the frontrunner in an emerging market and cyber world.
The myspace environment revolves around user created profiles of themselves that may be edited using html code to increase aesthetic, visual appeal. These profiles contain as much or as little personal information as the user desires to make public. The main component of the myspace profile is the “About Me” section, in which users write an often, self indulgent[4] (Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel) blurb about their personality and character.
In addition to these profiles, photos can be uploaded and posted in user galleries. Photos can be made private or viewable to all, and may be commented on only by “friends”.
Each profile contains a “Friends” section, which allows users to “add” and save each other’s profile location for future ease of access. This is very useful as the majority of the myspace functions are available from a user’s profile.
Other features of the myspace profile include sections in which users can express their personal music, film, literature and sexual preferences. These sections allow visitors to gain and develop a better understanding and familiarity with the owner of the profile.
Another major, feature of the myspace profile is the blog, in which users can post their own personal writing, pictures and sourced articles for redistribution. The blog measures viewing statistics, which proves a useful tool in understanding the sort of traffic that a profile’s blog is receiving.
It is not an uncommon sensation to feel as though you know someone you have never met, just by reading their profile and blog.
Despite revolving around these profiles, the possible uses for myspace are evolving each day. Not limited to simply profile pages, myspace also offers a comprehensive events guide that is accesible depending on your location.
When recently in Los Angeles, I used this feature weekly to find out what events were on Friday and Saturday nights. From obscure fetish orientated “play parties” to rave parties to casting calls for actors, the events section myspace proved versatile and practical.
There is a music section, in which artists may create a profile, with several sample tracks. These sample tracks may also be available for download or added to a profile depending on the artist’s decision. These artist profiles are usually created for promotional purposes and have in recent times proved very successful. Myspace profiles for musicians are different from normal profiles in that artists are allowed to upload up to five MP3 songs.[5] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Amongst the various criticisms of myspace, perhaps the one with most legal implications would be the licensing of music[6].(JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
There are concerns however, as people posing as artists are also creating “artist profiles” in order to upload illegal mp3’s.[7] (Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
As is explained on another pillar of the web 2.0 community, Wikipedia: Until June 2006, there was a concern amongst musicians, artists, and bands on MySpace such as songwriter Billy Bragg owing to the fine print within the user agreement that read, "You hereby grant to MySpace.com a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense through unlimited levels of sublicensees) to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publicly perform, publicly display, store, reproduce, transmit, and distribute such Content on and through the Services". The fine print brought particular concern as the agreement was being made with Murdoch's News Corporation.[8] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Views on Myspace are polarized in the general community[9] (Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing). Many feel that as very little is achieved by actually spending time on the site, it is a waste of time and just another fad. Conversely, many hold the opinion that Myspace is a necessary tool in today’s increasingly technologically dependent society.
Not only does it allow the user a comprehensive set of tools to communicate with, meet and maintain “friends”, but it also opens up a wider community of events and arts.
The myspace phenomena has ushered in the next generation of user content provided mega sites. With youtube and several other web 2.0 media sharing sites riding off the back of myspace, it is clear to see that the next generation has arrived, and with it a new set of concerns and possibilities.
(Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
(Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
(Jolly Karine, Facebook, MySpace, and Co.: IHEs ponder whether or not to embrace social networking websites.(INTERNET TECHNOLOGY): An article from: University Business [HTML] (Digital), Thomson Gale (April 20, 2007))
(Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
(Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
(Jolly Karine, Facebook, MySpace, and Co.: IHEs ponder whether or not to embrace social networking websites.(INTERNET TECHNOLOGY): An article from: University Business [HTML] (Digital), Thomson Gale (April 20, 2007))
(Monas, Steve, YourSpace 2: Interviews with MySpace Musicians, Filmmakers, Models and Friends, BookSurge Publishing 2007)
(Ryan Hupfer (Author), Mitch Maxson (Author), Ryan Williams, MySpace For Dummies, For Dummies 2007)
(Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007
(http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0)
(Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel)
(JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
[1] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[2] Alexa Internet's Alexa.com's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. January 25, 2007
[3] (http://www.valleywag.com/tech/myspace/myspace-the-business-of-spam-20-exhaustive-edition-199924.php Lapinski September 11 2006, MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0)
[4] (Sam’s Adventure, www.myspace.com/samsadventure, 2007, Harrison, Samuel)
[5] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[6] (JTV Video Article, 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/jtv/video/default.htm?clip=myspace)
[7] (Monas, Steve, Yourspace: A Friend's Guide to Myspace.com BookSurge Publishing (November 28, 2006)
[8] (Wikipedia Article Myspace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia 2007)
[9] (Rough Guides (Author) 2007 The Rough Guide to MySpace & Online Communities 1, Rough Guides Publishing)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
WEEK 4 Blog entry
1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?According to Cucurbits, the official journal of the World Pumpkin Confederation, a 1993 record-breaking pumpkin weighed in at 836 pounds.http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+the+weight+of+the+worlds+biggest+pumpkin&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?If you want to contact Grant, please write to the Miami Swimming Club, their address is:Miami Swimming ClubPO BOX 2461BURLEIGH QLD 4220http://www.ask.com/web?q=quickest+way+to+contact+grant+hackett&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?two incheshttp://www.ask.com/web?q=length+of+giraffe%27s+tongue&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean ?An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization.Ontology is the theory of objects and their ties.http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+ontology&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?Transfer” 1966http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+david+cronenberg%27s+first+feature+film&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?jan 8 1986http://www.ask.com/web?q=when+was+the+original+%27hacker%27s+manifesto%27+written+&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?It began 30 years ago when the use of exchange names as part of the telephone number was still popular in the USA. Dials had letters as well as numbers and the first 3 letters of the exchange name were dialled followed by numbers. An example might be CENtral 78978. You dialled CEN 78978 or, using all numbers, 236 78978. It so happened that 5 on the dial corresponded with J K and L and you can’t make any English place names using any combination of J, K and L as the first 3 letters. So the 555 code was allocated to service levels such as Directory Assistance, Operator, Repair Service, etc. Due to the "low fill" of the 555 code, Hollywood was encouraged to quote 555 numbers in their productions to prevent real subscribers being harassed by members of the public trying out the numbers quoted on the screen.http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?Flight = $229.14 Expediahttp://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+the+cheapest+form+of+travel+from+crete+to+rhodes&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?Do the Clam by Elvis Preseley (although I'm not certain about that, the website it really difficult to understand.)http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?Black Assassins.http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir
1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?According to Cucurbits, the official journal of the World Pumpkin Confederation, a 1993 record-breaking pumpkin weighed in at 836 pounds.http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+the+weight+of+the+worlds+biggest+pumpkin&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?If you want to contact Grant, please write to the Miami Swimming Club, their address is:Miami Swimming ClubPO BOX 2461BURLEIGH QLD 4220http://www.ask.com/web?q=quickest+way+to+contact+grant+hackett&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?two incheshttp://www.ask.com/web?q=length+of+giraffe%27s+tongue&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean ?An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization.Ontology is the theory of objects and their ties.http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+ontology&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?Transfer” 1966http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+david+cronenberg%27s+first+feature+film&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?jan 8 1986http://www.ask.com/web?q=when+was+the+original+%27hacker%27s+manifesto%27+written+&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?It began 30 years ago when the use of exchange names as part of the telephone number was still popular in the USA. Dials had letters as well as numbers and the first 3 letters of the exchange name were dialled followed by numbers. An example might be CENtral 78978. You dialled CEN 78978 or, using all numbers, 236 78978. It so happened that 5 on the dial corresponded with J K and L and you can’t make any English place names using any combination of J, K and L as the first 3 letters. So the 555 code was allocated to service levels such as Directory Assistance, Operator, Repair Service, etc. Due to the "low fill" of the 555 code, Hollywood was encouraged to quote 555 numbers in their productions to prevent real subscribers being harassed by members of the public trying out the numbers quoted on the screen.http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?Flight = $229.14 Expediahttp://www.ask.com/web?q=what+is+the+cheapest+form+of+travel+from+crete+to+rhodes&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?Do the Clam by Elvis Preseley (although I'm not certain about that, the website it really difficult to understand.)http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?Black Assassins.http://www.ask.com/web?q=why+do+all+hollywood+numbers+start+with+555&qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir
Thursday, March 15, 2007
reminiscent musings of LA etc
The internet has (excuse the cliche), made the world a much smaller place.
In Novemeber of last year, I returned from living in LA for 4 months. I will refrain from elaborating on my experiences in the City of Angeles as I am sure you can imagine the sorts of activities I indulged in.
The extent to which the internet is used in America is vastly superior to our own uses. Not only do the supersites like myspace and youtube reign supreme and play a much more active role in the lives of many, but also the speed and availability of internet access is far in excess of anything I have experiences in Australia. Free wireless connection throughout the city (malls, shops, cafes) coupled with much more affordable equipment makes for a very switched on society.
My girlfriend felt sick, so rather than visit a doctor (very expensive) we looked up her symptoms on the widely advertised, webmd.com. We needed to find something to do on a Friday night, so we browsed the Hollywood section of events on myspace. Internet shopping is far more commom place and study is far more accessable.
When i left LA I left with many new friends, some closer to my heart than others. Since EVERYBODY I met has a myspace account, keeping in touch is far easier than it would have been a mere 3 years ago. Some of these friends would no doubt fade from my memory had I not "added" them to my account.
In addition to the whole myspace explosion, entire communities of people who know each other exclusively online exists in forums. I myself am partial to inthemix.com.au, the leading Australian dance music website. I also write event reviews for the site.
Now that I am back home and Janette (my girlfriend) has returned to LA after living in Australia for 3 months, we plan to get webcams. Not only will this help us to feel closer but it will obviously, also allow us to maintain a level of er... intimacy until I return in July. Technology is great!
Having used the internet from a young age, I have seen the development of the "megasite" and been witness to its crazes, fads and advances.
i have also seen the future in LA, and it looks exciting.
Speaking of the future, Alphaville, shown in today's lecture was a French 1960's impression of a futuristic society dominated by eerie music and suspicious glances. With a plot that is no doubt leading somewhere slightly more tangible, I look forward to watching the rest of Alphaville.
I have added some blogs from my (our) class and i look forward to meeting some of you in person. Or perhaps we could just maintain our online community and anonymity in a truely contemporary fashion?
Thats all for this weeks entry, I look forward to meeting some of you guys in person... personally!
Also my myspace is myspace.com/samsadventure
- Sam
In Novemeber of last year, I returned from living in LA for 4 months. I will refrain from elaborating on my experiences in the City of Angeles as I am sure you can imagine the sorts of activities I indulged in.
The extent to which the internet is used in America is vastly superior to our own uses. Not only do the supersites like myspace and youtube reign supreme and play a much more active role in the lives of many, but also the speed and availability of internet access is far in excess of anything I have experiences in Australia. Free wireless connection throughout the city (malls, shops, cafes) coupled with much more affordable equipment makes for a very switched on society.
My girlfriend felt sick, so rather than visit a doctor (very expensive) we looked up her symptoms on the widely advertised, webmd.com. We needed to find something to do on a Friday night, so we browsed the Hollywood section of events on myspace. Internet shopping is far more commom place and study is far more accessable.
When i left LA I left with many new friends, some closer to my heart than others. Since EVERYBODY I met has a myspace account, keeping in touch is far easier than it would have been a mere 3 years ago. Some of these friends would no doubt fade from my memory had I not "added" them to my account.
In addition to the whole myspace explosion, entire communities of people who know each other exclusively online exists in forums. I myself am partial to inthemix.com.au, the leading Australian dance music website. I also write event reviews for the site.
Now that I am back home and Janette (my girlfriend) has returned to LA after living in Australia for 3 months, we plan to get webcams. Not only will this help us to feel closer but it will obviously, also allow us to maintain a level of er... intimacy until I return in July. Technology is great!
Having used the internet from a young age, I have seen the development of the "megasite" and been witness to its crazes, fads and advances.
i have also seen the future in LA, and it looks exciting.
Speaking of the future, Alphaville, shown in today's lecture was a French 1960's impression of a futuristic society dominated by eerie music and suspicious glances. With a plot that is no doubt leading somewhere slightly more tangible, I look forward to watching the rest of Alphaville.
I have added some blogs from my (our) class and i look forward to meeting some of you in person. Or perhaps we could just maintain our online community and anonymity in a truely contemporary fashion?
Thats all for this weeks entry, I look forward to meeting some of you guys in person... personally!
Also my myspace is myspace.com/samsadventure
- Sam
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Welcome to the blog
This is the first of many installments for my blog, documenting my New Communications and Technology class for university.
Earlier today I entered my second lecture with much anticipation. On the agenda today was brief rundown of communications study and theories. The content of the lecture spanned from the beliefs held by the USA on the subject of media influence from the 1920's - 1980's.
Theories such as Maximum Effect (the theory that media assumes a huge level of control over the general public) and the importance of quantitative and qaulitative analysis in determining the actual level of influence held by the media, were discussed at some length.
Approximatly half way through the lecture, a french film was shown. the film was of the genre, "New Wave" and was a stark contrast to the film making methods of many major motion picture moguls.
Personally I enjoyed the film, as it was dark and in its own way disturbing. The themes it dealt with, such as time travel, human experiments and tragic love were intrigueing to say the least!
This was my first blog entry for my class, and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. I also maintain a myspace (yes, the dreaded myspace) blog that has itself enjoyed a great deal of success and a large reader base.
I look forward to further lectures and challeneges that I will no doubt face throughout the semester!
- Sam
This is the first of many installments for my blog, documenting my New Communications and Technology class for university.
Earlier today I entered my second lecture with much anticipation. On the agenda today was brief rundown of communications study and theories. The content of the lecture spanned from the beliefs held by the USA on the subject of media influence from the 1920's - 1980's.
Theories such as Maximum Effect (the theory that media assumes a huge level of control over the general public) and the importance of quantitative and qaulitative analysis in determining the actual level of influence held by the media, were discussed at some length.
Approximatly half way through the lecture, a french film was shown. the film was of the genre, "New Wave" and was a stark contrast to the film making methods of many major motion picture moguls.
Personally I enjoyed the film, as it was dark and in its own way disturbing. The themes it dealt with, such as time travel, human experiments and tragic love were intrigueing to say the least!
This was my first blog entry for my class, and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. I also maintain a myspace (yes, the dreaded myspace) blog that has itself enjoyed a great deal of success and a large reader base.
I look forward to further lectures and challeneges that I will no doubt face throughout the semester!
- Sam
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