Thursday, May 31, 2007

Course Evaluation

Overal I thoroughly enjoyed this course.

Despite my conflicting schedule making it difficult to attend tutorials, I managed to attend every single lecture.

The content was very interesting and to be honest not what I was expecting at the start of the semester. I am however happy that it pursued the direction it did.

I particularly enjoyed the lectures regarding cyberpunk and dystopias. I have long since had a morbid obsession with dystopias :-p (<--- emoticon).

The lecturers were always engaging and kept my interest.

I only wish I was able to attend more of the tutorials :-/

If there are any other course run by the same lecturers. Does Steven Stockwell teach any other classes?

I would also like to point out that the lecture notes provided for the course were far superior to most other classes. They were always on time and detailed. I REALLY appreciate that in a course as I am sure many others do also.

All the best with future endevours,

- Samuel Harrison

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